Friday, 29 July 2011

Two Weeks to Go!

There are only two weeks to go til this year's Fastnet and full attention is being given to that most important important aspect of offshore racing - the grub! With ten hungry mouths to feed and not that much space to put it, and of course no fridge-freezer, this needs careful attention. But help is at hand and Emily has a spreadsheet with a column for calories. We're going a bit hi-tech this time as a result of Trevor's experiences on the Round Britain and Ireland race - boil in the bag expedition food will make up a large part of our hot food.

Watch this space.


1 comment:

  1. Hope you've got a large pan to boil all the bags. We only had to boil 2 bags at a time on the RBI. Wishing you all fair winds and a safe passage, and look forward to sharing a few beers in Plymouth.

    Jangada Too
