Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Out of phone range?

Flying Formula is now over halfway across the Celtic Sea to the rock and has improved her position in IRC 3 to 28th (from 35th yesterday). Trevor has been sending emails from on board to the dedicated team of communications experts on shore to update this blog, but the team (oh alright, me) hasn't heard anything since yesterday so they are probably well out of phone range. Either that or they've decided to enjoy the peace and quiet, and who can blame them. Winds look like being 15 knots or so at the Marathon Gas Platform (you can see the winds on from the SW or WSW, so they will be on the wind.

Meanwhile Jangada Too is putting up an excellent showing in IRC 2 and particularly in the two-handed class. You can follow them on, though they haven't updated since yesterday either.

Meanwhile ICAP Leopard have spent the night in Plymouth in nice comfortable beds (probably).

Nick B


  1. I am sure ICAP Leopard spend every night in nice comforatble beds - have you seen the pictures on their website? A cushy and expensive number - well perhaps not when racing! Nick

  2. I've seen ICAP Leopard up close and yes, I'm sure the beds are comfortable. They don't even have to grind those winches.
    We saw them last year when we beat them into Plymouth by over a day. Admittedly we did take a more direct route.
