Sunday, 14 June 2009
Carry on up the solent
Rounding the westerly mark
Sun 0630. We've now rounded the most westerly mark of the course - E Shambles, off Portland Bill and are running back to North Head under spinnaker. Then it's back west to Poole No 1, back to North Head and finish, it was a great boost to see so many class 1 and 2s at the mark - including Richard and Jeremy on Jangada Too - currently only about six boats ahead of us.
Swanage sucks
Sun 0200. Oh dear. Gromit watch took us on a long beat into Poole bay where we tried to work our way along the coast, sheltering from the tide in the lee of Anvil Point. Sadly, the wind completely died and I've just spent a torrid 4 hours off Swanage, with Wallace watch, trying our best to make some progress towards our destination (see plot). Time for bed!
Tussle off Ventnor
Rounding the Nab
The start
Saturday 11:10 We managed to ge up on time and joined the start. With little wind and strong tide, it was important to ensure we didn't get carried over. As the gun went, George and Chris performed a perfect spinny lauch and we were off. We're currently approching the forts, mainly thanks to the current. A strong header necessitated a change to the genoa but the wind has yet to sort itself out.